Sunday, April 16, 2017


Hello, everyone! Tonight, I'll be discussing the topic of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs with an object and space; specifically with one need in particular. The need I chose is the Security Need.
The object (or just "thing," in general) that represents Security Needs is encrypted coding. Coding is highly important in modern-day society, especially because we have credit/debit cards and online accounts that contain personal information. The encrypted coding allows for people to keep their financial information private and safe.

The space that represents Security Needs is a security room. This room is located in most establishments that include shops, restaurants, hospitals, hotels, etc. This space allows for someone (such as a security guard or police officer) to watch camera footage in real-time from throughout the location. This is important because if someone is committing a felony or being harmed/needs help, someone will be able to see that through the video surveillance. Most surveillance rooms contain a lot of metal and brick/concrete, and are on the simple side when thinking of the design aesthetic.

Here are the links for the images:

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