Sunday, March 5, 2017

Case Study: Furnishings

Hello, everyone! This post will be discussing a specific furniture piece that's located in my case study building, which is the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia. This furniture piece is a bench that's placed in one of the gallery rooms and serves both as a center piece as well as a seating area for visitors.
   Some elements and principles I've noticed in this bench are line, shape, form, harmony, and balance. Each is pretty evident when analyzing the whole piece. A factor that plays into the analysis of the bench is the use of materials. Here, wood and leather are utilized in order to create a seating area that allows short-term comfort while also being aesthetically appealing based on its location. The general colors are black and dark brown. Based on the placement of this bench, it appears that an on-looker who visits the museum can gain a great experience since they'd be able to sit and take in the entire space. Along with the experience, the placement of the bench is surrounded by really nice lighting that isn't too overbearing for the space. When sitting in this room, it seems to be the size of a basic room; when I say this, I mean that it doesn't seem like there are any high ceilings or like the room had to be made bigger since there are only paintings, drawings, etc. being displayed.
Below are two images: my 8" x 8" sketch of the bench and the image I used as inspiration (along with the website I found the image from).

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